About Us

Career Ipsum provides insight to individuals who are seeking advice to help them develop their career, achieve their next job, return to the workforce, or consider a career transition.

Career Ipsum is founded on the premise that each individual is unique, as is their career self-identity. We believe that it is possible for people and organisations to craft careers that are meaningful, challenging and rewarding; and that success is a subjective concept.

We encourage organisations to review their current talent platforms, provide supportive and positive working environments, and take a collaborative approach to enhancing careers.

Career Ipsum aims to enable access to professional career development support at a reasonable price for a wide variety of unique individuals. With this in mind, we are developing a suite of digital learning modules aimed to equip individuals with insight on how best to develop compelling resumes, put themselves forward for opportunities and prepare themselves for interviews. The first of these modules are available now through the Career Ipsum Shop


Articles and News

Career Development is a focus each and every individual needs to have in order to maintain and develop a relevant, satisfying and challenging career. Click through to access a range of articles and links that will help you navigate your personal career development focus.

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Resume Development Digital Course Launched!

Click through to shop and discover more on how Career Ipsum’s Resume Development on-line course can help you create a resume that will get you noticed and show how you align for the job you want!

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Click below to arrange a confidential discussion about how Career Ipsum can support you or your business.